Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Top Advantages of Abacus for Kids- Meaning, Benefits & History

 A Ukrainian-American businessman, Jan Koum says, “I didn’t have a computer until I was 19- but I did have an abacus”. Counting on the past days, the kids used to kill their time by doing something productive like signing up for online abacus classes or any other activity that can pave the way for holistic development in them. 

Abacus classes online

But, as technology is lifting all its boats, the kids are relocating towards online games and activities. But, in reality, the Abacus for kids is a great activity that will sharpen the brain of your child unexpectedly. 

Now, you must be wondering the meaning of an abacus and what its use is? 

Meaning and the use of Abacus 

Have you ever encountered an instrument made of beads gliding along the rods which are fitted around the frame? Yes, this is the interpretation of the calculator. 

A long time ago, an abacus was used as the calculating tool, which was used to perform arithmetical functions like counting, addition, subtraction, and multiplication. Abacus online classes will help your child sharpen their calculating skills. The up-to-date technologies such as calculators and computers are diminishing the importance of the abacus. However, it is a crucial tool that will help your kid sharpen their brain. 

Benefits of Learning Abacus

The upper and lower parts of an abacus are normally separated. The bar that separates the portions is referred to as a "bar." This aids in faster addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication computations in the mind.

While everyone understands how useful an abacus is for maths, there are other unnoticed abacus perks that enhance a child's overall development. Because the majority of a child's development happens during the early years, enrolling them in online abacus classes at an early age can be extremely beneficial.

Here are some of the benefits of the abacus for kids- 

  1. Promotes Concentration- 

Besides learning how to use an abacus and perform mathematical calculations, the child will also improve their concentration level. After mastering the techniques of the abacus, children begin to visualize which helps them calculate mathematical equations in their mind itself. Hence, it will enhance their concentration power.  

  1. Enhances Listening and Observation skills- 

With online abacus classes for beginners, a child will begin to solve simple and complex mathematical problems. And as the course level progresses, children will also improve their observation skills. Moreover, while listening to the numbers the children will also improve their listening skills. 

  1. Strengthening the Brain Power- 

While solving the problems and the session of number training, a child encounters various images to memorize. The ability of the child to learn something improves. 

  1. Improves Calculating Speed and Accuracy- 

Abacus has the power to sharpen the speed and accuracy in performing arithmetic problems among children. It will not only benefit them at an early age but will also pave the way for success in competitive examinations. 

  1. Boosts Self-Confidence- 

A child learning abacus is praised for their speedy calculations from their parents, peer, and teachers. As they sharpen their mental abilities, the confidence in themselves and create a better self-image of themselves. 

History of Abacus 

The origin and the mastermind behind the invention of an abacus are still mysterious. It has been used in China for centuries, as well as in Ancient Greece, Rome, Russia, Japan, and Babylon. 

The Romans introduced an Abax, which means “flat surface” but later got renowned as an abacus around the world. In modern times, the abacus is continuously being used. ‘Tim Cranmer’ is a person who invented the modern abacus in 1962. The Cranmer abacus is still being used today for guiding blind and visually impaired individuals. 

With an increase in businesses and commercial transactions, the demand for a tool that can speed up the calculations and avoid errors. Despite its use in countries like China or Babylon, it has been proved as an effective calculating tool for business purposes. 

Modern calculating tools like calculators and computers, do you know their ancestors? An abacus is a forefather of all calculating tools. You can engage your child in online abacus classes, if you want your child to learn the ancient abacus calculator from the beginning by an experienced teachers. 

The number system utilized in encoding and decoding digital messages, called ‘Binary digit’ is taken from the design of the abacus. 0 and 1 are the two binary digits that are described as low and high, and also are the potential positions for beads on an abacus. 


Abacus is a great mental activity for the kids. It can help your child develop holistically. There are platforms like Grow Inn Steps where you can learn academic and extracurricular skills like dance, music, art, fitness, English, international languages, and brain-boosting activities. Learning abacus will not only help the children boost their confidence in solving mathematical problems faster but will also improve them in other development. 

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